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Client Management


Multi type Variables in Tabx


Multi categorical answer questions can be constructed quickly and easily in Tabx. Once created, Multi type variables can be added to groups just like any other variable in the project, and used in the  Interrogate,  Dashboard or Analysis tools. Tabx supports Batch Management of Multi Definitions, allowing users to create script files that define all the Multi Categorical variables within a project in one action.

Creating a Multi type variable

To construct a Multi type variable within a project, follow the following steps:

  • Browse to the  Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
  • Browse to the  ProjectsTab.
  • Click the  Edit button for the Project you wish to edit, on the Projects table.
  • Browse to the  Multis tab. The variables available to be constructed into a Multi type question are listed within the Multi Friendly Variables select box. These are a list of variables that ONLY contain 0 and 1 as their associated answer codes.
  • Enter a label for the new variable in the 1. New Multi Label text box.
  • Select variables from the Multi Friendly Variables select box (hold down the control key and click many to select multiple).
    • Click the 2.  pointing hand to move this variable into the Multi Answer Categories section to the right.
    • In the Multi Answer Categories section, overwrite any text labels that will make up the answer categories of this multi.
    • Repeat the above process until all variables that make up the multi have been added as answers, and have had labels set accordingly.
  • Select a 3.  Group for this new multi type variable to appear in (this can be changed at a later time).
  • Select a 4.  Answer Sets (if needed) to overwrite the text labels in the Multi Answer Categories section, if not done manually. See related articles for more on  Answer Sets.
  • Select whether or not this Multi will be a filter.
  • Click 6. Add Multi Variable.
  • You should see a yellow confirmation box confirming the project has been saved, and the Multi type variable has been added.

The added Multi type variables will now be ready for use in the  Interrogate,  Dashboard or  Analysis tools.

Removing a Multi type variable

Multi type variables can be removed from a project easily. Removing a Multi type variable does not affect the single type variables used in its construction.

  • Browse to the  Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
  • Browse to the  ProjectsTab.
  • Click the  Edit button for the Project you wish to edit, on the Projects table.
  • Browse to the  Multis tab.
  • Find the Multi type variable you wish to remove on the  Current Multis table.
  • Click and confirm the  button.
    • Note, some Multi type variables listed on this table may be derived variables. Where the  button would normally exist, instead it will display ( User). These Multi type variables must be removed from the  User Defined Variables tab.
  • You should see a yellow confirmation box confirming the project has been saved, and the Multi type variable has been removed.
  • WARNING: Removing Multi type variables may cause a loss of configured charts and tables within Tabx, as any settings that included this variable will be reset.

Editing a Multi type variable

To edit a Multi type variable:

  • Browse to the  Account page using the navigation at the top of the window.
  • Browse to the  Projects Tab.
  • Click the  Edit button for the Project you wish to edit, on the Projects table.
  • Browse to the  Multis tab.
  • Find the Multi type variable you wish to edit on the  Current Multis table.
    • Click the  Edit button for the Multi you wish to edit
    • You will be redirected to the Edit Multi tool, allowing you to edit any of the fields defined in creating a Multi.

    See Also

    Basic Project Management in Tabx
    Batch Script Automation in Tabx

    Register Free

    Lifetime license, 1000 rows / 200 variables per project, 2 project slots.

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